This post is part of a multi-part series on University Entrance and whether it is set at the right standard. For the previous part, click here - Introduction.
What is University Entrance?
What is University Entrance?
We start by investigating the context in which the UE
debate is held. The New
Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) states that:
Entrance is the minimum requirement to go to a New Zealand university. To
qualify, you will need:
Level 3 [60 credits at Level 3 or above + 20 credits at Level 2 or above]
credits in each of three approved subjects at Level 3
requirement: 10 credits at Level 2 or above, with at least 5 credits in writing
and 5 credits in reading
requirement: 10 credits at Level 1 or above, made up of either achievement
standards or all three of the unit
standards 26623, 26626, 26627
It is important to note that this is the minimum
requirement to be admitted to a university; each programme can then have
additional or higher requirements. Often, the credits are converted into
another score, such as a rank score (Auckland) or guaranteed entry score (Victoria),
for the purposes of comparing NCEA to other high school qualifications like
Cambridge (CIE) and International Baccalaureate (IB). It’s probably worth
mentioning here that these blog posts will only deal with entrance for domestic
existed before University Entrance (as we know it now)?
Before 2003/2004, the system had two parts. Year 12 and
13 students worked towards the School Certificate, which led towards the New
Zealand University Bursary, or Bursary for short. Most students (Forms 6 and 7
at the time) completed internally assessed coursework and sat externally
assessed exams in the same way as they do now for NCEA.
Marks for up to five subjects are added together; with
each subject scored out of 100, an aggregate score of 300 was an A Bursary, and
a score between 250 and 299 was a B Bursary. This influenced how much cash was
provided by the government for tertiary study. On a side note, scholarship
grades were separate and awarded to the top 3-4% of each subject.
Paradoxically, scholarship grades did not have any monetary award attached to
them, although Top Scholars (top in each subject or scholarship in five or six
subjects) did receive additional money.
Critically, the exams were
norm-referenced; students received grades dependent on their performance in
comparison to other students, with a letter awarded based on a pre-determined
does norm-referenced mean?
Students are compared to other students – you don’t
have to get a high number of questions correct, you just have to do better than
everyone else (or a large majority of them). It was very popular around the
world because the outputs are predictable, mainly because the proportion of
students who pass, and the spread of those students, are pre-determined. It
allows easy comparison between two students, as you can easily say which one is
“better”. It’s useful if you’re a government and you have to plan for the right
number of students to enter universities because there are only so many spaces
and only so much funding available.
Scores are often given in percentiles instead of
percentages – the higher the percentile, the more highly you scored in
comparison to other students. Alternatively, grade boundaries are used to
divide students into broader groups, acknowledging that a student who scores
85% in a test is probably roughly at the same level as a student who scores
86%. The grade boundaries move year-to-year to ensure that the number of
students in each group is roughly proportional to the desired distribution. This is the approach used in the Cambridge and
IB examinations. For Bursary, it's a combination of both - marks were scaled to fit a distribution and then letter grades assigned based on fixed grade boundaries. The grade boundaries looked something
like this:
For School Certificate, it was widely known that
roughly half (or maybe 46%) of the students would fail. The results were scaled to fit a
standard distribution, because it was decided that a standard distribution was
the desired distribution. These days it seems weird that we once forced half of
all students to fail. Over a number of decades, there were increasing calls for
educational reform. Ultimately, we scrapped School Certificate and Bursary, and
replaced it with NCEA, a standards-based system.
what does standards-based mean?
The big problem with norm-referenced testing is that
it doesn’t ensure that any particular student has proficiency in a particular
skill or knowledge about a particular subject; only that they are better/worse
at the skill or know more/less about the subject than another student.
Standards-based testing sets targets (also known as criteria, as in
criterion-based marking), and assess whether or not the student can achieve
those targets. The idea is that every student who passes a standard is known to
be capable of achieving that target, regardless of whether they are in the top
50% or not. In fact, you shouldn’t care about what percentile they are in
comparison to other students; just whether they achieved the standard or not.
breaks the targets up into different subjects, different areas within those
subjects (achievement standards), and divides those subjects/areas into levels
(the numerical levels 1, 2, and 3 as well as the Achieved, Merit, Excellence
sublevels within each numerical level). Since we aren’t focused on making
students better than other students, we can focus on getting students across
each line and ensuring that every student can achieve as highly as they can.
This seems to make a lot more sense to most people, and educational reform
around the world is moving in this direction.
the problem with standards then?
The challenge is where to set the targets. If you set
them too low, then they’re too easy, so students and teachers are not
incentivised to put in much effort. If you set them too high, then they’re too
hard, so students and teachers are demoralised (and see no point in trying). On
top of the psychological effects, setting the targets at appropriate levels has
implications on sectors of society that rely on the standards to judge ability
and competency, such as employers and universities. Holding a particular
qualification, such as NCEA Level 2 with Merit, has to communicate to other
people that this student will be capable of completing some task. If the standard
isn’t quite in the right place, then the value of the qualification becomes
more questionable. Additionally, there are issues surrounding “teaching to the
test/standard” and students working only just hard enough to get across the
line, rather than continuously working to be the best that they could be as you
would in a norms-referenced system like School Certificate. But let’s get back
to getting the targets right.
are the standards set?
If we purely followed the philosophy of
standards-based testing, then you would set the standards at some level, and
leave them there. If you need to, you make more standards higher or lower, and
you make the standards public so people can look up what each standard means. However,
there is a trade-off between the granularity/number of standards and the
communicability of those standards. In a hypothetical world, you can have a
hundred different targets under NCEA Level 1 math, and that would very
accurately describe what the student can or can’t do. But when you tried to
communicate that ability to someone else, it would be a very painful process;
it makes life much easier to be able to say that the student has the ability to
do geometry at an NCEA Level 1 Merit level. So in order to make things easier
to understand, the system has to sacrifice some granularity and create broader
When the standards exist in bands, then it’s much
harder to get them right. Over time, you have to move them up and down slightly
to ensure that you have the boundaries at the right levels. Accepting that you
have to move them up and down means that the standards can be more responsive
to the needs of society and the abilities of students; for example if students
are getting smarter over time (as we hope they are), then the standards can drift
upwards. So the NZQA monitors the results, consults with stakeholders, and
decides whether standards need to move. In fact, the NZQA updates lists
of standards that are being revised or reviewed on a monthly basis.
what makes a standard “right”?
And here we arrive at
what I think is probably the biggest issue. When the NCEA standards were first
set, they were drafted, consulted upon, redrafted, and consulted upon again
many times until teachers and government were mostly okay with things. It was a
process that took many years, but they wanted to get things right. NCEA Level 1
was introduced in 2002, Level 2 in 2003, and Level 3 in 2004. As students sat
the exams and went through the system, NZQA adjusted the standards as they deemed
necessary. This is to be expected for any new system – some calibration is
needed when you move from the theory to the real world. When the States
Services Commission (SSC) investigated the performance of the NZQA in
delivering secondary school qualifications in 2005, we found patterns such as
The targets were moved and they became harder. This
didn’t happen to every achievement standard, but it occurred enough that one of
the recommendations from the SSC report was that expectations with tolerances
should be introduced to ensure that standards are appropriately set. Assessment
should be consistent year to year, and assuming that the performance of
students does not change significant year to year, then roughly the same
proportions of students should be scoring achieved, merit, and excellence each
year. If assessment is unnecessarily harsh one year, then it would fall outside
of the expected range and the alarm bells would ring.
To be clear, officially, the NZQA
says that if 100% of students get enough credits to meet the requirements
for NCEA certificates, then they pass. Education Minister Hekia Parata has set
an explicit target that by 2017, at least 85% of 18 year olds will have passed
NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent). Pass rates for NCEA are generally
increasing. But when we look at the individual standards, it becomes clear
that something else is going on. For example, ENGLISH 90951 (NCEA Level 1
Unfamiliar Texts after ENGLISH 90057 was expired in 2011), has this “Profile of
Expected Performance” published for 2014:
The NZQA expects that something between 20% and 25% of
students who sit ENGLISH 90951 will fail. Exam papers are usually remarked in
order to force the grade distribution into these expected “profiles”, although the
denies that this is scaling. In fact, the NZQA
says “there is no predetermined distribution of grades”. The NZQA deems
claims that profiles of expected performance (PEP) are scaling or
norm-referenced to
be myths. Perhaps regardless of the intention, the outcome is the same; a
certain percentage of students are expected to fail.
So once PEPs were set, that dictated how to set
standards. The “right” standard is the one that achieves the expected grade
distribution. There are some tolerances (as there should be), but overall the
standard is expected to be set at a level that causes some students to fail.
There’s the problem – you can’t expect a 100% pass rate if you set a standard
that forces some students to fail. It all seems reminiscent of…
norm-referencing (even if NZQA calls that suggestion a myth). It’s important to
note that you can still pass NCEA overall even if you fail individual
achievement standards; that’s why NCEA overall pass rates are increasing.
does this have to do with University Entrance?
Universities require students to be at a particular
level of competency before they enter university; otherwise they would struggle
to be able to provide degrees that are of sufficient quality to be accredited. So
Universities NZ, the body that represents all universities in New Zealand,
along with NZQA and other stakeholders, set a minimum bar. It makes sense to
use NCEA to set the height of the bar, and thus University Entrance is
standards-based. It causes UE perceptions to be subject to the psychological
implications of standards. It causes UE to be susceptible to the fluctuations
of changing standards levels. It causes UE to be affected by the use of
Profiles of Expected Performance and their suggested fail rates. Ideally,
universities would be able to say “an incoming student must be able to…” but
the way that standards are used in New Zealand makes that tricky.
So it makes answering the question of “Is University
Entrance in New Zealand set at the right standard?” just a little bit harder,
because the very system used to measure University Entrance has some flaws. So
far we’ve provided some context about what we used to do, why that was bad, what
standards are, why we have standards-based testing, and what some of the
shortcomings are. In the next section, we’ll have a look at the more recent
history of University Entrance, why it was changed recently, and the
perspective of government.
If you’re further interested in the problems of NCEA
and steps taken to improve it, I suggest this 2007 policy paper from the Maxim
Institute as a starting point. There are probably additional issues
surrounding internal vs. external assessment, vague standards, and marking
fairness, but that’s outside the scope of this discussion on University
Entrance. It’s interesting to see recommendations for NCEA taken on, with
initiatives such as Grade Score Marking, which provides some additional
granularity to the system without affecting overall communicability of the
qualification. Ultimately, I think very few people would say that we should go
back to the School Certificate and Bursary system; NCEA is mostly working and
still better.
Part III of this series - History, Reviews, and the Perspective of Government, is available here.
Part III of this series - History, Reviews, and the Perspective of Government, is available here.
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